Harleen Sawhney

Director/OIEC at MI Realtors
0432 510 052
0432 510 052

Looking to Buy or Sell your Home in Western Suburbs?

Harleen Sawhney is an OIEC/Managing Director in MI Realtors. She has unmatched energy, faith, and passion for his profession. She deals with the Western suburbs with a special focus on Truganina. Harleen Sawhney is most trusted agent in Western suburbs of Melbourne.

A local resident for over a decade, Harleen’s success is a reflection of her deep and lasting relationships with her clients that are purely based on loyalty and honesty. She is highly efficient and organised and her a grip over Real estate knowledge and skills.

Harleen has a sales and finance background that enabled her to understand all the aspects of buying and selling.  therefore, can help his clients smoothly move on to the next level in their lives without hassle and stress

So, pop in for a chat over a coffee anytime and she’d love to hear from you!

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